The cult of the most beautiful books in the world is reborn

by: Leonard Green


Five hundred years on from the start of work on the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, FMR Group pays homage to the genius of Michelangelo through its Officina dello Splendore project, launching the Book Wonderful series with the publication of Michelangelo. La dotta mano (The Learned Hand), a limited edition (99 copies) of extraordinary artistic and cultural worth which restores supremacy in the magnificent art of the book to Italy. The book is the first work of Ars et Ingenium, a collection dedicated to the great artists of the past who incarnated Italian genius, explored through the lens of the most significant contemporary photographers with the aim of capturing and bringing to light the interior world and poetics of the works. Thanks to its aesthetic perfection, artistic density, and work-manship, Michelangelo. The Learned Hand represents the climax of the historic development of the art of the book, confirming the status of the Book Wonderful as an absolute work of art. The images were printed by Steffanini Press in Milan, while Modesto Rigoldi photolithographer handled the selection of the colours of the 83 original photos taken by Aurelio Amendola. Each hand-made book features a marble bas-relief cover reproducing Michelangelo's work Madonna of the Steps.



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